As you see I’ve been using Tensorflow for some purposes that are kind of off the path - i.e. using its awesome automatic differentiation functionality to do math for me in solving some optimization problems, instead of using it for machine learning in a formal manner. Recently I’m playing with TF on a 3D image reconstruction problem. In order to improve the overall speed of convergence, I tried to solve the thing in a multiscale fashion: first, by downsampling the raw data and my object grid to be reconstructed, I get a coarsely reconstructed object which can be done fast with lower resolution. I then use this coarse object as the initial guess for the next iteration, where the raw data and object grid is 2x as large as the previous one. The result of this run is fed to the next run as initial guess, until I reach the original resolution of the object. To do this, I’ll need to start a brand new TF model following each lower-resolution reconstruction (for some reason I cannot keep the same model and just change the data passed to placeholders; it’s a bit hard to explain in a few sentences so let’s just assume it for now). For this, it is straightforward that one thing I need to do is putting a tf.reset_default_graph() after each coarse pass to clear the current graph. However, the optimizer I defined in the model is still living in my memory. In my case I declare the optimizer in this way:

optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate * hvd.size())
optimizer = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer)
optimizer = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)

(The hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer) is just a wrapper used by Horovod, a parallelization package for TF.) By doing this, TF always props up an error message when it comes to line 4 in the second pass:

ValueError: Cannot add op with name DistributedAdamOptimizer as that name is already used.

So apparently tf.reset_default_graph() does not clear the optimizer - it only clears the nodes. One thing that must be recognized is that Tensorflow has its own internal set of variables. These fancy little guys are created with the declaration of variables, but after that they come relatively indenpendent from Python variables. They can also have a different name from what they are in the Python codes. Hence when I try to simply overwrite the optimizer variable, Tensorflow is not happy with me creating a new “internal” variable with name “DistributedAdamOptimizer” which is the same as the one created in the last pass.

What I did to fix the issue is to specify a unique name for each pass like this:

optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate * hvd.size())
optimizer = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer, name='distopt_{}'.format(ds_level))
optimizer = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)

where ds_level means “downsampling level”, and is unique for each pass. However, Tensorflow threw out another error when I reran the codes:

ValueError: Fetch argument <tf.Operation 'distopt_2' type=AssignAdd> cannot be interpreted as a Tensor. (Operation name: "distopt_2"
op: "AssignAdd"
input: "global_step"
input: "distopt_2/value"
attr {
  key: "T"
  value {
    type: DT_INT32
attr {
  key: "_class"
  value {
    list {
      s: "loc:@global_step"
attr {
  key: "use_locking"
  value {
    b: false
 is not an element of this graph.)

I was kind of baffled at this point, having no clue why it treated me so badly for being such a nice guy. It appears from the error message that there is still something wrong with how I declared the optimizer, but I couldn’t figure it out. After struggling I finally noticed the line with s: "loc:@global_step". global_step is a tf.Variable that I created to count the total number of steps across different epochs (which is, actually, not quite necessary). Then I realized that the decalaration of this variable is OUT OF the multiscale loop. The structure of my entire script is like this:

# import stuff, create metadata etc
global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name='global_step')

for ds_level in [4, 2, 1]:
    # build model
    optimizer = ...
    optimizer = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
    # run optimizer and get results

When I reset the default graph, it clears everything including the global_step variable (although the Python variable is still there in the memory!). When the optimizer tried to get that variable in its argument, Tensorflow could not find global_step in its internal variable set, thus didn’t recognize it as a tensor. This can be fixed easily by moving global_step inside the loop, but since it is of not much use for me, I simply deleted it.

Another attempt that I did before I fix the issue is adopted from this webpage. The idea is that you can stash your optimizer into a collection during the first pass; then for following passes, you don’t create the optimizer again, but retrieve it from the collection. For this I declared a flag called initializer_flag which is False for the first pass but will subsequently be switched to True. So this part of my codes now become:

if initializer_flag == False:
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate * hvd.size())
    optimizer = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer)
    optimizer = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
    tf.add_to_collection('optimizer', optimizer)
    optimizer = tf.get_collection('optimizer')

This may work if you run a standard machine learning program and want to restart training after stopping it somethere in the mid. The prerequisite is that you MUST BE USING EXACTLY THE SAME MODEL. In my case, when the optimizer is retrieved from the collection, the model is changed. This can and did lead to undefined behavior of the optimizer. The lesson learned here is that when you declare an optimizer, it is implicitly linked to, and thus will work only for the current default graph.