Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is a meta-algorithm for numerical optimization, which is featured by subdividing a large problem into several smaller subproblems.

We take for example the problem of retrieving the phase of an image at the same time of suppressing its noise. A typical way to formulate the problem is to build a composite loss function, where the first term measures the mismatch between the predicted and measured intensity, and the second term serves as a regularizer quantifying the noise level:

\[\operatorname{argmin}_{x} l(y, x) + \lambda\rho(x).\]

In PnP + ADMM, one would split this global optimization problem into 2 subproblems: the phase retrieval subproblem, and the denoising subproblem. One would also use a different variable \( v \) as the unknown of the denoising subproblem. Since we are solving for a single image which is both phase retrieved and denoised, we want \( x \) and \( v \) to be equal when the computation converges:

\[\operatorname{argmin}_{x, v} l(y, x) + \lambda\rho(v)~~{s.t.}~x = v.\]

In ADMM, one deals with this constrained optimization problem by turning it into an unconstrained optimization problem of

\[\operatorname{argmin}_{x, v} l(y, x) + \lambda\rho(v) + \frac{\beta}{2}\|{x - v + u}\|^2\]

where \( u \) is also known as the dual variable, functioning as a communicator to keep both subproblems mutually informed of each other.

Quoting the paper of Romano et al., the optimization is done through the following:

Step 1 - Update of \( x \):

\[\hat{x} = \operatorname{argmin}_{x} l(y, x) + \frac{\beta}{2}\|{x - v + u}\|^2.\]

Step 2 - Update of \( v \):

\[\hat{v} = \operatorname{argmin}_{v} \lambda\rho(v) + \frac{\beta}{2}\|{x - v + u}\|^2.\]

As Romano et al. explain about this step:

This stage is nothing but a denoising of the image \( x + u \), assumed to be contaminated by a white additive Gaussian noise of power \( \sigma^2 = 1 / \beta \). … (it is suggested) to replace the direct solution of the equation above by activating an image denoising engine of choice. This way, we do not need to define explicitly the regularization \( \rho(\cdot) \) to be used, as it is implied by the engine chosen.

Step 3 - Update of \( u \):

\[\hat{u} = u + x - v.\]


Plug-and-play (PnP) refers to a technique where, after one formulates an optimization problem under the ADMM framework, can freely replace the solver for a certain one of its subproblems, and experiment its efficacy.

Remember the quote from Romano et al. we’ve read above?

… (it is suggested) to replace the direct solution of the equation above by activating an image denoising engine of choice. This way, we do not need to define explicitly the regularization \( \rho(\cdot) \) to be used, as it is implied by the engine chosen.

That is, we can complete the regularizer optimization (denoising) step with a denoiser that does not have an explicit minimizable form (e.g., a CNN black box or BM3D). This is the idea of PnP + ADMM: if we have a black-box-like denoiser \( f(x) \), we may replace the entire Step 2 of ADMM with a simple application of that denoiser on \( x + u \), i.e.,

\[\hat{v} = f(x + u).\]

Regularizer as Denoiser

Although PnP is convenient, simply inserting a denoiser may hurt the convergence of the overall algorithm. Regularizer as Denoiser (RED) tries to solve this by creating a minimizable form of the regularizer, no matter how it is done. If the black box denoiser is f(x), then the regularization term is written as

\[\rho(x) = \frac{1}{2}x^T[x - f(x)].\]

RED further introduces a local homogeneity assumption of

\[\nabla_x f(x)x = f(x)\]

The meaning of this is that for a \( c \) satisfying \( |c - 1| < \epsilon \), \( f(cx) \approx cf(x) \). The approximation is proven by Romano et al. to be satisfied for many common types of denoisers. Then, the gradient of the regularizer depends on \( f(x) \) itself instead of \( \nabla f(x) \):

\[\nabla\rho(x) = \lambda[x - f(x)].\]

Then, the denoising step can be again evaluated explicitly:

\[\hat{v} = \operatorname{argmin}_{v} \frac{\lambda}{2}v^T[v - f(v)] + \frac{\beta}{2}\|{x - v + u}\|^2.\]


Multi-agent consensus equilibrium (MACE) is a meta-algorithm that is on a lower level of abstraction compared to ADMM. The philosophy of MACE is that one can formulate a problem as the combination of \( P \) subproblems, whose unknowns are \( v_1, v_2, \cdots, v_P \), and whose solvers are \( f_1, f_2, \cdots, f_P \). Each subproblem is also assigned a weight, \( \mu_1, \mu_2, \cdots, \mu_P \). By treating MACE as a fixed-point problem, one can find the set of solutions, \( v^* \), such that the weighted average of \( v^*_i \) for all subproblems stabilizes – that is, all subproblems now reach a “consensus equilibrium”. This weighted average is then the global solution of MACE.

The following figure is taken from the presentation of Charles Bouman given in SIAM Imaging Science 2020.


For more details, please refer to the paper by Buzzard et al.


[1] Y. Romano, M. Elad, P. Milanfar, The Little Engine that Could: Regularization by Denoising (RED). Arxiv (2016).

[2] C. A. Bouman, SIAM Imaging Science Keynote: Plug and Play for Model Fusion.

[3] G. T. Buzzard, S. H. Chan, S. Sreehari, C. A. Bouman, Plug-and-Play Unplugged: Optimization Free Reconstruction using Consensus Equilibrium. Arxiv (2017).